
Home-based training provided by the speaker you know best of all!

A new listening/auditory training program from HRF designed for people with hearing loss to use at home.

Home Hearing is an 8 part program with a wide range of analytic and synthetic training, based on individual speech sounds, and using language knowledge to fill in the “gaps” created by hearing loss.

Your family member or friend provides the training – a person you know and feel comfortable with.


Talker’s Handbook

  • Scripts to follow for the Talker.
  • Score sheets to maintain a  record of the listener’s performance.
  • Detailed instructions and hints designed to help the Talker.
  • Spiral binding for portability and easy handling.

Slide Presentation

  • Eight presentations in PowerPoint and PDF formats, to display on a computer or tablet.
  • Exercise items are displayed to the listener, and immediate feedback is given after a response.
  • Content is supplied on a USB stick.

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